Together we stand strong!

Vote for ambition

Together we stand strong!

19 maart 2020 – Groningen

A week ago, the university announced to discontinue all physical classes. Ever since, more and more students have been leaving Groningen to join their families at home. Our party calls for the students whom remain in Groningen, to help the those in need.

“We are living in special times. In a city where students and working residents used to live seperate lives, we now need to stand strong together” says party leader Dylan Gerding, “citizens of Groningen who have been stricken by the virus can use all help available.Let us students help those in need, by assisting in daily tasks. Therewith we relieve those who are ill as well as their loved ones, for whom this virus only adds more and more worry to their current load. ”

The Independent Student calls for students to help out other citizens with daily tasks, such as walking the dog; getting groceries or having small-talk. “In these times we need to stand strong together, therefore we praise the Student voor Stad initiative.” says Gerding. The Student voor Stad initiative links those in need to healthy students. “If you are healthy, help out! If you need help, make sure to ask for help!” concludes Gerding.
