Extra resit for all students

Vote for ambition

Extra resit for all students

faction The Independent Student (DVS; De Vrije Student in Dutch) proposes an
extra resit for all students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) for
all courses of this year. The faculty board has decided to move all exams from
the past months to June and July. DVS Faction leader Reender Reenders
understands this decision: “These measures were unavoidable. Professors have to
reschedule their entire courses and prepare the organization for digitale
exams  which students can make at home.
That requires extra time.”

this leads to students having double or triple the amount of exams during the
exam period in comparison to a normal situation” according to Reenders.
“Students will now have six or nine exams, instead of three. This leads to a
lot of stress under students.” For most students, failing an exam results in
study delay.

In case
of special circumstances, students can apply for an extra resit. The extra
resit is a resit after the standard resit. Reenders says “If the coronavirus
doesn’t lead to special circumstances, I don’t know what does. Having an extra
resit will take away some of the pressure students are already experiencing.”

extra resit will not only lower the pressure on students, it will also benefit
the staff of the university, according to Reenders. “If the extra resit doesn’t
become a standard option, each student has still the right to individually
request an extra resit. In such a scenario, the exam committee will be flooded
with requests.” The faculty faction of DVS has announced to discuss this option
with the faculty board as soon as possible.