For proper spending of education fees

Vote for ambition

5.1 For investing in education

The Independent Student wants:
– The surplus of governemnt funding to be invested in increase the quality of education;
– Structured and clear financial reports;
– The board of the university to oppose the proposals Commissie Van Rijn;

Recent policy changes in government policies have increased the funding of the universities. The Independent Student wants the surplus of money to be invested in increasing the quality of education. A better digital infrastructure, smaller seminar groups, extra investments in attracting and keeping the best staff – these are all things The Independent Student wants to do.

Students pay for their education. Therefore, they should be able to check on the spendings of the university. The Independent Student wants the University to publish financial documents in a clear and readable way, to provide transparency in their financial choices.

Last year, a national committee investigated the funding for universities and proposed several changes. These proposals have a disastrous consequences for University of Groningen. The Independent Student wants the Board of the University to oppose these propals and will stand alongside the Board in this.

Next: For effective Career Services